Omg! And i always thought i was so good at creating my powerpoints! I never knew (or until recently) that you could draw Captain jack Sparrow in Microsoft Powerpoint using the auto shapes. I was just surfin' around the net for animation tutorials when i stumbled upon "how to create an escape the room" game at

And oh my, i think i'd just stick (still) to Inkscape and Corel although after reading some drawing tutorials, i could say my ppt has gone up to another level. Image below is all drawn in MS Powerpoint by awesome PPT artist Colin Neal.


And another one anime style by AlexF- also MS Powerpoint made! no inserted images. all auto shapes


How to Draw in your Not-So-Ordinary Microsoft PowerPoint

1. Open MS PPT.

2. Look for the AutoShapes button below your screen and click it.

(you should be able to see categories of different drawing tools. see image below)

 select the curve tool.

3. Ok, let's start drawing. When you have enabled the curve tool (after clicking it), place your mouse cursor on the drawing area. Press the left mouse button and release. While the curve tool is enabled, continuous lines will be made even if you click and unclick. =) Try it. =)

look at my example. I tried creating that pink lips in Powerpoint using the curve tool and some ovals.

You can visit for an in depth [powerpoint] tutorial.

Currently feeling: amused
Posted by decomia on November 16, 2010 at 03:49 AM in Design | click me to reply =)
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